Friday, January 29, 2010

LAST CALL FOR HOMESCHOOL FAQ . . . This blog was started as a way to share my homeschooling experience and advice with those who are just now considering homeschooling, and for Newbies - those of you have just decided to homeschool. My initial advice is always the same, and has been outlined in the first several posts (except for the Christmas letter, which was just silly!)

Now is the time to ask your questions. What are you wondering about? What are your biggest homeschooling concerns? What homeschooling methods have you looked into for your family? Let's get a dialogue going. I'll try answer every post on this blog.

Are you a veteran homeschooler? What advice would you add or change? What worked for you and did not work for you? Please post it so everyone can benefit.

I'll begin sharing some specifics of what I've done, what I'm doing, and what I wish I'd done differently. I'll share my educational philosophy, and tell you about others. There will be posts about homeschooling groups, how to find them and how to start them. I'll post on the legalities, and any other topic that you would like. Just post it!!! If I don't know, I'll connect you with someone who does. Networking could be the single most important ingredient to successful homeschooling!

As time goes on, I hope to start other blogs about my other interests. Afterall, someday I'll have a life of my own again!!! I'd like to blog about knitting, adoption, genealogy, homesteading, canning . . . gee, if I've done all that, no wonder I'm tired now!!!

I also intend to change my on-line name. My full first and last name doesn't flow very well and it is hard to spell, say and remember. Robin Ann is my first and middle name, simple and to the point. Easy to spell, say and remember. However, there is another Robin Ann who is a designer. (Google her, and tell her I sent you!!)

One last thing . . . and this is simply to toot my own horn. After you have homeschooled for a while, you will learn how important it is to acknowledge your own successes - because rarely will anyone else notice!!! So, to brag on myself - I made the college Dean's List!!!!! Yeah Me!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know a lot about homeschooling, but I do know a little bit about prayer.

    I pray that God will give you wisdom when you write your blog and that He will bring you the followers that need to hear your advice, in Jesus name Amen.

    God bless you and your family, Ron
